It is I think a fact that absolutely no-one has any idea I am here - a faceless blogger in the dark, I have searched for this blog - knowing as I do that it is here, and I cannot find it - so I challenge anyone to find it to comment below!!!
I am sitting here chatting to myself on my faceless blog, I could say anything, reveal family secrets, tell everyone my own darkest secrets - fairly certain that no-one would ever find it.
Part of this fills me with a certain degree of sadness - I have written some quite profound things - I think so anyway - I can put a sentence together....kind of, and some of it even makes sense and sometimes I make a point, usually by accident but there it is anyway!
I am feeling pretty displaced again, I often come here when I get 'that' feeling, somewhere I can have a moan and not have to worry to much that anyone is going to get offended!
I don't really see the point to me keeping this blog as I have managed to hide it so well - but here it still is, and here I am still tapping out meaningless words to no-one in particular!
Anyway, back to feeling displaced, I don't even know if that is the right word - correct me if you dare! But I just feel kind of 'out of the loop' I am not even sure there is a loop to be in, but I feel that I have finally pushed everyone so far away that I am no longer part of things.
I don't push everyone away - don't get me wrong - I am not an emotionally devoid shell sitting in a cold room with just a grey blanket and hard bed for company, and the occasional blog spurts out!!
I keep feeling inspired to do things, and then don't have the time or the energy to bother with it all.