Thursday, 24 February 2011


Why is it, that we KNOW that something will annoy us, but we still seem to seek it out almost revelling in the amount it is annoying us? I wonder if it didn't annoy us, would we bother seeking it out in the first place - do we derive pleasure from being annoyed?

I guess in the same way that people read sad things and make themselves cry, or watch frightening movies before bed, or go on rides at theme parks that turn stomachs upside-down. Although I wouldn't really class being annoyed in the same catagory as any of these things.

Maybe its just the provoking of emotion, if we hid from everything we wouldn't feel anything, and what is the point of being alive if we don't feel?

Having children for me, was something I though about for a long time before we had them. I was frightened of bringing them into this world, I was scared of the responsibility and what if something happened? What if something went wrong? Would I be able to cope with the emotions that go with this?

Emotions are a funny thing, but without them life would be very dull.


Teresa Ashby said...

This is so relevant to me at the moment! I think you are right that there is some sort of weird pleasure in letting ourselves get wound up.
And the upside to me getting wound up is I write better - at least I think I do ;-)

Lizzieoaks said...

I also seem to get annoyed by anything and everything, the other half is always commenting on my paper thin skin and ability to read things in everything - so maybe I don't seek it out - maybe it just finds me!!