Monday, 28 February 2011


I hate them - for varying reasons, they are the arsehole of the week.

Today is the first day back after half term, we've already had tears from my little boy not wanting to go in, and we have had two power cuts already and its not even eight yet!

I woke up at four this morning, because I had to sneeze, and sneeze and sneeze....I think I am alergic to mornings. After the big sneeze, I needed my morning wee - sorry too much information, but its true, and vital to the story....after this I was wide awake, I had already had five hours sleep, and knew there was no chance of a lazy morning as I had to get my son to school this morning. Then the baby woke up and sealed my I sat and watched a couple of episodes of Spaced while I fed the baby, while my husband banged about upstairs pressing the snooze button on his alarm clock.

After returning upstairs to make sure he was actually getting up, my daughter woke up and informed me that she has a sore knee. I then found the trousers I was going to wear today had fallen onto the dogs bed, and so he had done the only decent thing and curled up on them and slept all night. They are black trousers, he is a yellow do the maths.

So all this before six this morning, we then had a power cut - just a quick one, but enough to knock everything out.

My daughter then took twenty-five minutes to get dressed, while jumping around the room and singing.

We came downstairs, and my husband jumped ship to go to work. I emptied the dishwasher, appeased the baby sitting in his bouncer, made my daughter breakfast - todays request was weetabix, then she decided she needed some fruit in her weetabix, we chose a banana, I mashed it into the weetabix, she ate a mouthfull and declared she was full. I then washed the baby bottles, and made them ready for the day. Next my son appeared at the kitchen door with tears rolling down his face because he doesn't want to go to school.

Then we had another power cut, and it knocked the washing machine out mid-cycle.....

More tears from my son, my daughter keeps jumping on my lap and trying to snatch the baby for cuddles.

Then the baby told me in his way that he wanted his bottle - after taking thirty minutes to drain 1oz out of his 6oz bottle...he fell into a deep sleep. So I put him in his pram 'Why is the baby in his pram when he is awake?' asked my sarcastic daughter. So I took him back out and he managed another half an ounce before he fell into a deeper slumber, and now he is laying there snoring daughter is laying across my lap, and my eldest is playing his DS with the sound up LOUD!

And the time is now coming up to 07.53 I feel it is going to be a long day.......


Teresa Ashby said...

Not the best start to a Monday :-(
Hope things get better :-) xxx

Lizzieoaks said...

The good thing with bad starts are things can only get better - but its still Monday!!