Wednesday, 16 February 2011


Well my oldest son was sent home from school today with suspected chicken pox. He has since come out in even more spots and we are 99% sure it is chicken pox!

The poor little boy hoped he would be ok to come back to school tomorrow, he also voiced fears about being sent to bed when he got home and not being allowed to watch television - I am sure his teachers must think I am an evil Mummy, even though he has never been made to stay in bed (except at night-time!) and I don't think there has ever been a time when he has been restricted with his television viewing! He has now been home 6 hours and has spent most of that time playing his new DS game - television has not been an issue since that plopped through the letterbox!

So we are now destined to spend half term at home, we had planned a few days of chilling out around the house, but it looks like we will have to extend that theory to the whole week!


Anonymous said...

Ah it's not so bad... There are wose places to be!!

Lizzieoaks said...

I am rather looking forward to it myself :o)