Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Can't stop me now!

Well I was a truly grumpy person yesterday! I hadn't had the best night sleep, lots of broken bits of sleep, and then I fell asleep when I should be getting the children ready for school, but luckly my other half was on hand to make up for my poor performance on the parental front yesterday morning.

As the day progressed I was so grumpy, I didn't know why, and didn't know what to do to change it - and believe me I wanted to change it, I really dislike being grumpy!!

First of all I walked up to collect my daughter from playgroup, and as we walked home and she wailed at me because she was hungry for her lunch and couldn't believe we were not home yet, I felt as if my grumpy mood would never leave me!

We got home and as the afternoon went on, I realised I was feeling a bit less grumpy. Then we collected my son from school, and as we walked home we chattered like we do, and we got home and I pottered about a bit, and made some dinner. My mood was really lifting at this point, and I felt happier to get on with things.

We ate dinner, the children and me, the baby sat in his bouncer and gently cooed at me, and it was a lovely dinner time - the food was not all that, just a jacket potatoe and some vegetables, but the conversation between my children and me was just lovely.

Next stop on the road to a happier me was getting the baby ready for bed, and give him a feed. We had a lovely time together, and the other children came in and out to play and chatter with him. Then my husband was home much earlier than expected and that was the point I really realised I was no longer grumpy - I had my little unit back together! I had actually missed the bustle of getting the children ready for school, and all the other things I do in the morning!

This morning my other half was at work early, and so I had to get up and get on with the day, and I am far happier! Also there is nothing quite like the joy of knowing that we will all be home by 3.30 this afternoon and so my little unit wont be spread everywhere!! As much as the all drive me mad at times, I love them all and love being with them.

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


My goodness I am in a grump today! My baby has not taken at all well to the hour change, and so although he doesn't sleep through the night anyway, what he does has been messed up, so he now wakes at approx 4am and gets upset if you don't get up and give him a feed - of which he only takes 1oz and then refuses to take anymore! He then spends the next hour or two being grumpy, while you attempt to be happy at a time when no-one should have to pretend this!

He is now asleep, which is great for him, he can nap all day long, but I can't!

Lucky for me my lovely husband got up and got the children ready for school and playgroup - and in the process discovered just how hectic this house can be when you are the adult in charge of three children, who all happen to be pulling in different directions!

He looked pretty stressed out when I surfaced to say goodbye, and I did feel sorry for him, because I know exactly how stressed he would be feeling. Then I felt quite proud of us, we might get stressed out sometimes but we get there eventually! Our little boy still had a pretty healthy packed lunch to take with him, he was also on time so got his 'early bird' sticker for on time attendance (we got a letter home from school advising parents that being late for school can make children unhealthy amongst other things - it was like one of those dodgy adverts from before there were trading standards and people could say anything to sell a product!!)

I have now been and collected my equally grumpy daughter from playgroup, she is currently sprawled across my lap sobbing and kicking her legs because I wont drop everything and take her to the shops to buy a jelly.....

From what a saw of my little boy he was pretty darn grumpy himself as he wailed up the road behind his Dad about the unfairness of having to go to school.

This hour change has a lot to answer for!!

Monday, 28 March 2011

A new Puppy!

Well its been a couple of weeks since my last out pour of drivel, so thought I should pop back in again! Well the baby is now 12 weeks old, and life is now as if he had always been here! He slots in nicely with the other children, and of course with Mummy and Daddy! He is quite a chilled out little chappy, he loves laying on his playmat and have a good old kick and play with his hanging toys - he does not like tummy time at all! He tends to lay and grunt a lot and make a big wet dribble patch during tummy time - then when we flip him over to have some play on his back his little face lights up as if to say "Oh thank goodness for that!" although the other day he did the ultimate and just went straight to sleep on his tummy - not even a slight go at lifting his heavy little head that day!

We went and had a look at some Springador puppies last weekend, and chose a pretty little girl puppy who hopefully should be ready in the next week and a half! My other half is so excited, he keeps playing with her little pink lead and little pink collar. The children keep asking if today is the day yet? Its so exciting, I hope she isn't too worried with our older dog and the children don't pull her about to much! People must think we are mad getting a puppy now, but we thought it would be the ideal time, I am off work and can be home with her all day to get her toilet trained and settled in, the baby isn't crawling yet so is easily dealt with at the moment, and the other children are a nice age to welcome a baby animal into the house.

I did get the offer of a beautiful little boy tabby kitten - my dream is to have a little tabby cat, but we are going to wait a few more years before we add a cat and litter tray to the madness that is our house!!

On a sad note, both our African Land Snails passed away this week, our little girl who is 3 1/2 was not really fazed by this. She expressed sadness that she didn't have a snail anymore, but that was all. Our 6 year old son was devestated, he knows this means they are gone for good, and it upset him. Its one of lifes harder lessons, my other half didn't want to tell them what had happened - but I do think its important they are kept informed of these things, it is after all, part of life.

I was considering to myself why I keep this blog, looking back over it, it must be fairly boring to almost everyone else on the planet - but I am keeping it for me, to remind me of things that were making me think at the time.

Sunday, 13 March 2011


Well we are heading into the middle of March now, the days are getting longer, the sun is making an appearance now and then, and I can nip out to the shed in my pjs to grab a loaf of bread from the freezer without resembling the solid bread on my return. Spring is in the air!

We spent Saturday morning chilling out around the house, keeping the news channels on to keep updated with the earthquake situation in Japan. Watching the waters sweep across towns moving houses, cars and anything in its way, knowing of all the poor people being swept along, with no hope of survival has left me feeling very sad. I am not one to get emotionally attached to news events, I don't tend to watch a lot of news, but for some reason this has really caught me.

Its haunting my dreams (along with other sad events at the moment) and on waking from sleep is leaving me feeling as though I have been watching sad movies all night long.

After our chilled morning, we walked to the shops, and brought a few essentials, and some sandwiches for our lunch. We then walked home via a childrens play park, its a lovely little park, very recently updated with lots of things aimed at under tens. There is also a large basketball court next to it, ideal for teens to have some uninterupted and dog poo less fun! However, the local teens had taken over the childrens play park, jumping off the roof of the little house, and throwing the swings up over the tops of the frames so that when they were gone, children would still not be able to play.

My children wanted to play on the park, my son has no sense of danger, and I could see him trying to approaching the older boys - he gets very cross with teenagers or anyone really, mistreating things. Luckly I avoided the situation and moved him away. Then we left the park after a paltry five minute play. As we walked away, the boys spread to take over the entire play park, and the basketball court stood empty and unused.

My children were so cross, and vowed that they would never treat things in that way, we have promised to buy a swing for the garden as I doubt we will bother trying to go to the park again. We explained to the children that this is quite possibly the reason we don't tend to venture out far from our little house and garden, because of other people.

When we were walking, a car pulled up on the path (yes right in the middle of the path!) a Chelsea tractor, the woman leapt out of the drivers seat and opened the back door, so the car was not only blocking most of the path, but the door ensured there was no space for a buggy.

This made me cross.

But this is society - no one cares about anyone else, the woman in her car, the children in the park, they are all the same, only thinking about what they need to do not if they are in the way of anyone else.

We went to my sons parent teacher meeting this week, and he is very good and gets on well with his work, and the teacher said 'Children don't have manners nowadays, but your son has lovely manners, always says please and thank you and always asks for things in the correct way' How sad that it is accepted to now not have manners, and its considered an extra if a child does have manners!

When we got home from the park, we ate our sandwiches (we didn't feel like eating them in the park with the hooligans) and then we went in the garden and started the spring time clear up. The decking is now prepared for the children to play, swept and disinfected, containers have been weeded and brambles cut. Next job is to lay the weed membrane over the remaining grass, and get a concrete pad down for the childrens playhouse.

Now we are at Sunday morning, I have washing on the line again, the sun is shinning again, and the children will be out in the garden once the rain from last night has dried, Spring is most definately in the air!

Friday, 4 March 2011

Chicken Pox - Friday - Red Wine

Well my daughter now has the dreaded chicken pox, exactly 2 weeks after her brother came out in it, she did. Makes me think if I had kept her away from him that she might not have it now, but she would catch it eventually, and best to get it out of the way now.

Poor little spotty dotty, she is absolutely covered in them, including inside her mouth.

BUT its Friday today, a good day, a feel good day, my other half is on an early shift, so will be home mid-afternoon, and I am going to indulge in a spot of housework, while he wheels the baby round the shops and picks up this weeks essentials. I think he is going to go as fast as he can, because any time left he can play the Xbox with, so its in his best interests to get the shopping done as quickly and efficiently as possible.

He did make me laugh, he took charge of the monthly shopping order this month - proud as punch that he spent less than half than I normally do, but forgot things such as toilet rolls, toddler wipes, dishwasher tabs and other such necessities which are boring to shop for. So after a few top up shops locally, he ended up spending more or less the same as I do. He can have another go at it this month, because I do think if he is left to do the shopping we end up spending less, he isn't so drawn to the utter crap I seem to be drawn to. He comes home with huge bags of shopping for bargain prices, I come home with one tiny carrier bag which has cost be twenty quid and I will have forgotten something we need and have to go back out again to get it, resulting in another twenty quid spent.

The reference to Red Wine, well it is Friday, and red wine may not be drunk tonight, but I shall be partaking in a glass or two at some point over the weekend. I love red wine, I love the way it looks in my crystal glasses (brought for me by my lovely Nanna so I get the added bonus of always being reminded of a very special lady at the same time!) I love the way it smells, I love opening the bottle and pouring the first glass. I love the way the first sip tastes, and how the flavour develops on the second and third taste. I like white wine as well, especially in the summer time, and rose, champagne can be nice too, but red wine.....the assortment of flavours, the richness.....I could go on but wont bore you anymore, suffice to say I like a glass of red now and then.