Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Can't stop me now!

Well I was a truly grumpy person yesterday! I hadn't had the best night sleep, lots of broken bits of sleep, and then I fell asleep when I should be getting the children ready for school, but luckly my other half was on hand to make up for my poor performance on the parental front yesterday morning.

As the day progressed I was so grumpy, I didn't know why, and didn't know what to do to change it - and believe me I wanted to change it, I really dislike being grumpy!!

First of all I walked up to collect my daughter from playgroup, and as we walked home and she wailed at me because she was hungry for her lunch and couldn't believe we were not home yet, I felt as if my grumpy mood would never leave me!

We got home and as the afternoon went on, I realised I was feeling a bit less grumpy. Then we collected my son from school, and as we walked home we chattered like we do, and we got home and I pottered about a bit, and made some dinner. My mood was really lifting at this point, and I felt happier to get on with things.

We ate dinner, the children and me, the baby sat in his bouncer and gently cooed at me, and it was a lovely dinner time - the food was not all that, just a jacket potatoe and some vegetables, but the conversation between my children and me was just lovely.

Next stop on the road to a happier me was getting the baby ready for bed, and give him a feed. We had a lovely time together, and the other children came in and out to play and chatter with him. Then my husband was home much earlier than expected and that was the point I really realised I was no longer grumpy - I had my little unit back together! I had actually missed the bustle of getting the children ready for school, and all the other things I do in the morning!

This morning my other half was at work early, and so I had to get up and get on with the day, and I am far happier! Also there is nothing quite like the joy of knowing that we will all be home by 3.30 this afternoon and so my little unit wont be spread everywhere!! As much as the all drive me mad at times, I love them all and love being with them.

1 comment:

Teresa Ashby said...

Nothing beats having everyone home safe in the nest :-)