Well its been a couple of weeks since my last out pour of drivel, so thought I should pop back in again! Well the baby is now 12 weeks old, and life is now as if he had always been here! He slots in nicely with the other children, and of course with Mummy and Daddy! He is quite a chilled out little chappy, he loves laying on his playmat and have a good old kick and play with his hanging toys - he does not like tummy time at all! He tends to lay and grunt a lot and make a big wet dribble patch during tummy time - then when we flip him over to have some play on his back his little face lights up as if to say "Oh thank goodness for that!" although the other day he did the ultimate and just went straight to sleep on his tummy - not even a slight go at lifting his heavy little head that day!
We went and had a look at some Springador puppies last weekend, and chose a pretty little girl puppy who hopefully should be ready in the next week and a half! My other half is so excited, he keeps playing with her little pink lead and little pink collar. The children keep asking if today is the day yet? Its so exciting, I hope she isn't too worried with our older dog and the children don't pull her about to much! People must think we are mad getting a puppy now, but we thought it would be the ideal time, I am off work and can be home with her all day to get her toilet trained and settled in, the baby isn't crawling yet so is easily dealt with at the moment, and the other children are a nice age to welcome a baby animal into the house.
I did get the offer of a beautiful little boy tabby kitten - my dream is to have a little tabby cat, but we are going to wait a few more years before we add a cat and litter tray to the madness that is our house!!
On a sad note, both our African Land Snails passed away this week, our little girl who is 3 1/2 was not really fazed by this. She expressed sadness that she didn't have a snail anymore, but that was all. Our 6 year old son was devestated, he knows this means they are gone for good, and it upset him. Its one of lifes harder lessons, my other half didn't want to tell them what had happened - but I do think its important they are kept informed of these things, it is after all, part of life.
I was considering to myself why I keep this blog, looking back over it, it must be fairly boring to almost everyone else on the planet - but I am keeping it for me, to remind me of things that were making me think at the time.
Frightening how fast the time goes.
Sorry about the snails :-(
Hope this blog will soon be littered with puppy pictures xx
Wont be long and we wont be able to move for pics.....probably.....if we ever get time to empty the camera so we can take pictures again!!!
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