Tuesday 3 April 2012

Red wine, a second blog in two days and a moment to think....

I sometimes wonder if thinking is really good for us? We should probably all just plod along like our ancestors before us just being glad that we are still alive and able to go and work to earn money to pay for our food!

Just sitting here with a glass of wine, the other half is strumming on his electric guitar....starting to wonder if that was a well thought out gift...joke! The two older kiddies are upstairs playing, and our wee baby is crawling around with the dogs, we haven't sent him out there with the dogs, he just came bundling through crawling for the first time in weeks flanked by the dogs. Maybe he thinks he is a dog? Maybe he just thought it looked like fun to be on all fours? Maybe they knocked him over when he was toddling about and he can't be bothered to get back up again? Who knows what goes through your head when you are 15 months old and surrounded by people and animals much larger than you.

I am having a glass of wine because I do not have an early start tomorrow, a good excuse I felt, not that I need an excuse. The other excuse being there was an annoying half drunk bottle of wine on the side in the kitchen that needed using up and the kids don't appreciate wine in their food. Well my oldest does, he likes a little wine flavour in his bolognaise, but his sister - she is very clean living and doesn't like the cursed alcohol in her food. She also shies away from anything carbonated and anything spicier than a carrot can do one as well. She also has intolerance to dairy products, she is what could be described as a right little fancy fairy and has perfected her urgh face to go with any occasion!

Not that I need an excuse to have a glass of wine, I am 33 years old and am allowed to drink a glass of wine if I want. My daughter did tell me that I am not supposed to have a glass of wine today - tomorrow being Wednesday would be the day I could have a glass of wine. I'm not sure what her logic is or where it comes from, but if I had a glass of wine tomorrow at this time I would get the sack from work as I am there for a long shift and I don't think wine drinking is allowed. If I have a glass of wine before my shift it would be too early in the day and might be considered a problem, and if I wait till I get home from work it would be getting onto midnight and the other half has an early start the next morning for work himself.

My oldest son is talking to me about a computer game and the characters in it, I nod and smile and say 'ooooh' or 'yes' now and then but I really have no idea what he is talking about. This is still with the other half plucking out notes on the guitar...the original sounds were him tuning it, I'm not sure what he is doing now, but mixed with computer drone and the dogs tapping about on the laminate floor, and of course the baby scooting his fire engine up and down in stereo because the baby monitor is picking up the sound I have found my moment to think is not happening again.

1 comment:

Lizzieoaks said...

It is now recognisable as Smoke on the Water very good too xxx