Wednesday 11 April 2012


We booked a little trip away the day before yesterday - we decided we wanted to have a few days away from it all and that was that, three days booked in York and we are leaving in approx 4 hours!

The other half is at work and me and the three skids are picking him up on our way! So I have sole responsibility for making sure everything we need or want is packed up in the car!

I packed by butt off yesterday - in my head the romantic side of me with my lovely rose tinted specs had visions of me throwing a few bits in a suitcase and off we would go. The reality was me sitting and making a list of exactly what we all should need, plus a few extras. Then there was me washing and drying a large amount of clothes because I had a whole week at home ahead of me to catch up with such things.....not so any more! lol

Then there was the sorting of clothes once they were dry. It took most of the day to sort things out and arrange things and then get them in the suitcase which pretty quickly turned into two suitcases.....

Then I had arranged a night out with some friends I used to work with, so I quickly got ready and waited for my other half to come home and he then took over the packing duties.

I had three pints of beer while I was out and we got to bed at around about midnight. Poor old other half was up at silly o'clock to go to work again, and now here I am taking 10 minutes to try and work out what the hell I am doing next!

The only problem with two people packing and not at the same time is that neither of us are sure what the other has done. Several texts later and I think we are getting I just want to pack up the car and goooooooooo!

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