Sunday 9 May 2010

Well that is one approach.....

I finally have a way out of work - well for a short time anyway. I am newly pregnant with my third baby!

It came as quite a surprise to me and the other half. But now the initial life changing shock has worn off, we are both excited about our new addition.

The children are quite excited, my son is excited and would like a boy as then he would get to share his bedroom, my daughter is excited and also would like a boy, as she has lots and lots of girl cousins, and I think she quite likes being the 'only girl' in our unit.

To be honest it was something I thought may happen sometime in the future, another baby - but as it happens its now, and I am really quite excited to meet the new little personality.

Morning sickness is not really something I am suffering with this time, the odd day I get 'the gags' and some evenings, but no real sickness.

I've just spent the best part of the morning having a lay-in to help with the tiredness that accompanies pregnancy. I then got up and made the masses pancakes for breakfast - well it is Sunday!

Its actually May now, but still wet and grey on the whole. Not something that bothers me too much - I'm not all that outdoorsy, so it really isn't a big deal to spend the day inside!

I suppose I can't write a blog at this particular moment in history without a mention of the hung parliament. I didn't vote Tory, and if there is any agreement between Tory and Lib Dem, it will be short lived and will mean in 12 months when it all goes terribly wrong that Labour will get in again. So maybe that is a good thing.....of course if the Lib Dems go with the Tories - we may be saying a firm goodbye to Nick Clegg, and without a doubt they will go on to dissappear into obscurity - I am fairly certain that most Lib Dems fall on the side of Labour rather than Tory.....

That is my view anyway.

Right I am off to do pregnant things like rest and look at baby things......