Monday 28 February 2011

Homemade Cookies!

Well after the rather rough start to Monday as per the previous blog, I have just eaten one of my husbands homemade cookies - dairy free, fantastic little gems so they are. They have made life wonderful, better than any shop brought cookies - or any cookie I have ever tasted before......they are the most fantastic cookies ever!

I entered a short story competition today, and I have a blank page open on my desk top for my 'book' well book idea really - it came to me in the night a few days ago, it was the best idea in the world....but its kind of fizzled. I don't really trust my ideas much, but I was so excited when I came up with the idea at 2am the other morning....I was still excited by it during the next day, and even confessed to my other half I had an idea - didn't tell him what the idea was though...too scared he will think I am a pillock......and today I am a pillock because I'm too scared to write it down in case its rubbish......

The baby is asleep, my daughter is only being slightly annoying....and what am I doing? Eating cookies! Doh!


I hate them - for varying reasons, they are the arsehole of the week.

Today is the first day back after half term, we've already had tears from my little boy not wanting to go in, and we have had two power cuts already and its not even eight yet!

I woke up at four this morning, because I had to sneeze, and sneeze and sneeze....I think I am alergic to mornings. After the big sneeze, I needed my morning wee - sorry too much information, but its true, and vital to the story....after this I was wide awake, I had already had five hours sleep, and knew there was no chance of a lazy morning as I had to get my son to school this morning. Then the baby woke up and sealed my I sat and watched a couple of episodes of Spaced while I fed the baby, while my husband banged about upstairs pressing the snooze button on his alarm clock.

After returning upstairs to make sure he was actually getting up, my daughter woke up and informed me that she has a sore knee. I then found the trousers I was going to wear today had fallen onto the dogs bed, and so he had done the only decent thing and curled up on them and slept all night. They are black trousers, he is a yellow do the maths.

So all this before six this morning, we then had a power cut - just a quick one, but enough to knock everything out.

My daughter then took twenty-five minutes to get dressed, while jumping around the room and singing.

We came downstairs, and my husband jumped ship to go to work. I emptied the dishwasher, appeased the baby sitting in his bouncer, made my daughter breakfast - todays request was weetabix, then she decided she needed some fruit in her weetabix, we chose a banana, I mashed it into the weetabix, she ate a mouthfull and declared she was full. I then washed the baby bottles, and made them ready for the day. Next my son appeared at the kitchen door with tears rolling down his face because he doesn't want to go to school.

Then we had another power cut, and it knocked the washing machine out mid-cycle.....

More tears from my son, my daughter keeps jumping on my lap and trying to snatch the baby for cuddles.

Then the baby told me in his way that he wanted his bottle - after taking thirty minutes to drain 1oz out of his 6oz bottle...he fell into a deep sleep. So I put him in his pram 'Why is the baby in his pram when he is awake?' asked my sarcastic daughter. So I took him back out and he managed another half an ounce before he fell into a deeper slumber, and now he is laying there snoring daughter is laying across my lap, and my eldest is playing his DS with the sound up LOUD!

And the time is now coming up to 07.53 I feel it is going to be a long day.......

Sunday 27 February 2011

Sunshine and Flowers

Took a wee trip down memory lane yesterday and watched a clip of an old cartoon me and my brother would watch - there were not many of them, and they were a rare treat - Mr Rossi. They were foreign, but I am not entirely sure where in the world they were created. But we loved them, especially the trippy theme tune, and the crazy pet dog.

Today it is Sunday, a traditional blogging day for me it would seem, but rarely in a morning. I am sitting with my eight week old son (yes - where the heck did those eight weeks go??) giving him a bottle with one hand while typing one handed with the other - and at this point I have to say that typing one handed is one of the most frustrating things in the world!! I have chosen to blog as my daughter's obsession with Despicable Me has me quoting regularly from the film, and to sit and watch it while trapped feeding the baby is just too much to deal with on a Sunday morning!!

The sun is shinning, we are getting ready for our weekly swim, and while I was putting washing away in the airing cupboard I discovered a wet patch on the other half is now banging around in the attic to try and find the cause......this house has been one wet patch after another, five and a half years we have lived here, and this is the fifth leak we have dealt with!! Not to mention the ancient heating system, substandard boiler, and double glazed windows with the seal gone....but its home and its not all bad.....

My husband has a love affair with this me its basically bricks and a roof, I like that its detatched, and when it snows we are cut off from the rest of the town, but other than that its just somewhere to live. I don't really 'get' loving a house and not wanting to leave - and thinking about it this morning, I never really wanted home ownership - I thought I would always rent - the hippy in me rather likes the free spirit thing, not being tied to one place, or one job - but somewhere along the line I fell into conformity, home ownership, marriage, children and a job in admin. Not sure how it all happened really, but here I am conforming.

I am getting the floating urge again, I've been looking at houses further afield, jobs far away, and things I can do from anywhere to earn money, but I conform so much now I can't really remember how to be a free spirit and I am not really sure I ever really was one!

My first thought at seeing sunshine this morning, was not of a fun walk with a picnic lunch, not of a drive to somewhere pretty...oh no, my first thought on seeing the sunshine, was to get the washing machine loaded up....there really is no hope!

Thursday 24 February 2011


Why is it, that we KNOW that something will annoy us, but we still seem to seek it out almost revelling in the amount it is annoying us? I wonder if it didn't annoy us, would we bother seeking it out in the first place - do we derive pleasure from being annoyed?

I guess in the same way that people read sad things and make themselves cry, or watch frightening movies before bed, or go on rides at theme parks that turn stomachs upside-down. Although I wouldn't really class being annoyed in the same catagory as any of these things.

Maybe its just the provoking of emotion, if we hid from everything we wouldn't feel anything, and what is the point of being alive if we don't feel?

Having children for me, was something I though about for a long time before we had them. I was frightened of bringing them into this world, I was scared of the responsibility and what if something happened? What if something went wrong? Would I be able to cope with the emotions that go with this?

Emotions are a funny thing, but without them life would be very dull.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Its a new dawn....its a new day.....

Well I have attempted to begin several blogs over the last week, but I always seem to descend into some sort of misery, which is a shame because I really don't have a lot to be miserable about!

I have had a lovely day today, an old school friend was in town, and dropped in for an hour for a visit, she had some sad news and some moans and we had a lovely time catching up together.

My husband let me sleep in this morning, I am not entirely sure why, but I seem to be needing quite a bit of sleep at the moment, yes I am aware we have a 7 week old baby, and he does wake us up in the night - both of us, and we take it in turns to feed him and tend to him and although I am not even dealing with him every night, I am absolutely exhausted. I really have no right to be though. With my eldest son, he would spend hours awake, he slept about 11 hours a day when he was a newborn, and for roughly the first six weeks he slept mostly during the day. Back then I couldn't sleep during the day as I had a neighbour on one side of our narrow terraced house, who owned a dog which barked constantly from the minute she left in the morning at around about 7.30, until she returned at night at around about 6. The other side were neighbours who had no thought for anyone but themselves, loud music, banging on the walls, shouting.....she had some sort of mental problem of that I am sure, and they had been through some terrible times. But I didn't really understand why their anger at the world was directed at us.

I was living on 3 hours sleep a night, a good night was 5 hours, and I felt good on that, right now I am getting 8-10 hours thanks to my lovely husband, and although broken sleep, its still a good long stint of sleep, I should be on top of the world, but instead I am in an almost constant fuzz.

Gah now I sound like an old woman in a Doctor's waiting room 'and what are you in for dear?' 'Well, where to start....!'

Other than relentless tiredness I am good though.

After my visting friend left, the children and I sat and had lunch together - pre-made by my lovely husband - is there no end to his generous nature? Firstly allowing me to sleep, letting me sit and chit chat with my friend, and then making us lunch before going to work!

After lunch we spent a nice afternoon, watching various films and tv, and playing with the baby. I prepared dinner for tonight, which was pork loin steaks, roast parsnips, mashed potatoes, carrots, broccoli, peas and sweetcorn and onion gravy. So I am not entirely useless! I have prepared the same for my husband for his return, and will cook his fresh.

The children had their dressing up things out, and went from fireman, to princess, to pirate, to ghost pirate...all great fun and noisy as they charged around the house shooting each other, marrying each other and stealing each others gold!

Now we are heading into the evening section of the day, I've cleared up from our dinner, and am sitting with the baby and tapping this quick blog out. My oldest is playing on the computer, my daughter is going from watching Despicable Me Despicable Me (Single-Disc Edition) to tormenting her brother while he tries to shoot something on the computer....a good day all in all, I am tired even though I don't even seem to have done a lot, at the same time I haven't stopped!

Wednesday 16 February 2011


Well my oldest son was sent home from school today with suspected chicken pox. He has since come out in even more spots and we are 99% sure it is chicken pox!

The poor little boy hoped he would be ok to come back to school tomorrow, he also voiced fears about being sent to bed when he got home and not being allowed to watch television - I am sure his teachers must think I am an evil Mummy, even though he has never been made to stay in bed (except at night-time!) and I don't think there has ever been a time when he has been restricted with his television viewing! He has now been home 6 hours and has spent most of that time playing his new DS game - television has not been an issue since that plopped through the letterbox!

So we are now destined to spend half term at home, we had planned a few days of chilling out around the house, but it looks like we will have to extend that theory to the whole week!

Saturday 12 February 2011

Valentines Weekend!

Eleven years ago this valentines day my lovely husband proposed to me, we had already been together for three years, and had just brought our first house together. We had been renting for six months previous to that with some friends, so we were new this living together thing.

He moved into my parents house quite early on in our relationship, and we thought we knew what it was like to live with each other after a year and took the plunge to get out there.

Not much changed, we still got on well, we loved each other, but the workload went up considerably, we were suddenly responsible for cleaning and tidying every room in the house, pay bills, cook all our own meals, make sure we had bread in and milk, if we didn't we had to go without. It was a huge learning curve, but we did it, and now here we are, 3 children, in a different house to the one we started in, we have done so many grown up things now, I almost consider us to be part of the adult world - but not quite. I am really not sure how we have been allowed to go on so long with buying houses, paying bills, they even let us have credit cards, and use the gas hob and electric oven! Three babies have been allowed to remain in our care, and no one has noticed yet that we are still a couple of kids ourselves! I admit at the age of thirty-two, and my husband (yes we were allowed to go and get married as well!!) who is thirty-four, we should really be considered as adults, but neither of us really feel all that different to when we first started out. I do feel a bit more tired now, and I am terribly responsible most of the time. I don't put my music up too loud, unless of course its a REALLY good song. I don't tend to drink too much now, having learnt my limitations (eventually!) I only play computed games after I have done my work. I get up in the morning and sort the children out, before myself, and I even do housework before I watch my programmes or play on the computer.

I still get excited by valentines, but only because I love any excuse to make a special dinner and spoil our little family. So we now have a traditional valentines celebration where we can really appreciate each other. This valentines weekend I am making lasagne, and me and my daugher have made vanilla cupcakes in the shape of hearts. We plan to ice them with pink icing, but at the moment we are waiting for them to cool down.

I'm not really sure what this blog was going to be about, or even what it is about really, I just kind of rambled on and ended up here....

Sunday 6 February 2011

New Baby High!

Well my son arrived at 02.35 on the 1st January 2011, 12 days overdue after 2 days of induction processes!

His arrival in the end was speedy and his poor Daddy who had been sent home from the hospital at 9.30 had to race back and arrived 20 minutes before he did!

Anyway that was 5 weeks and 1 day ago, and he is now part of the furniture slotting in as his brother and sister did before. His brother who turned 6 a week ago was our first baby, and the slotting in took longer as it took us a while to realise it was us who had to slot in! His sister who is 3 1/2 was easier and we were back on track quickly - we had to be with a toddler to contend with!

This time the enormity of the change hit me and I realised life would never be the same again, as soon as a bottle was finished, a nappy changed, a drink needed making and maybe a snack, a fight needed breaking up, bottles sterilised, clothes washed and dried, packed lunch made, dinners prepared a quick tidy round, nip about with the hoover, school runs, playgroup runs, shopping...the list is endless! Which is why we find ourselves with a 5 week old baby, and me typing a blog entry one handed!

3 days ago I had 3 wisdom teeth removed under sedation, my parents stepped in to assist with the children, and my husband signed up as driver and carer.

Fear is not something I often feel - I am a worrier and will worry about everything, but fear is different, and what I experienced on that day was pure fear. Not of the pain - although I was concerned by this obviously! My fear was that I would not wake up from the sedation that my 3 babies would be left Motherless. I don't proclaim to be the best Mother in the world - but I am theirs and I don't want them to grow up without me.

The procedure was quick and easy, my husband was called through to recovery 20 minutes later to find me drugged up with tears of relief pouring down my face. I was alive and it was over.

3 days later I am still eating mushy foods, but am not taking any painkillers, and the sad heavy weight I have been lugging round with me the past 3 years has gone. I sleep at night, the worry is almost all gone. There is still time for dry sockets and other complications, of course as a worrier with access to the internet I will always have fuel to feed my worries, but I feel on top of the world now the procedure is done.

So as I sit here, taking 2 hours to write a quick blog entry with my baby son tucked under my arm and the various other pulls from the children, and the house in general I am the happiest and most content I have been in years.

2011 would appear to be a good year so far!