Tuesday 29 March 2011


My goodness I am in a grump today! My baby has not taken at all well to the hour change, and so although he doesn't sleep through the night anyway, what he does has been messed up, so he now wakes at approx 4am and gets upset if you don't get up and give him a feed - of which he only takes 1oz and then refuses to take anymore! He then spends the next hour or two being grumpy, while you attempt to be happy at a time when no-one should have to pretend this!

He is now asleep, which is great for him, he can nap all day long, but I can't!

Lucky for me my lovely husband got up and got the children ready for school and playgroup - and in the process discovered just how hectic this house can be when you are the adult in charge of three children, who all happen to be pulling in different directions!

He looked pretty stressed out when I surfaced to say goodbye, and I did feel sorry for him, because I know exactly how stressed he would be feeling. Then I felt quite proud of us, we might get stressed out sometimes but we get there eventually! Our little boy still had a pretty healthy packed lunch to take with him, he was also on time so got his 'early bird' sticker for on time attendance (we got a letter home from school advising parents that being late for school can make children unhealthy amongst other things - it was like one of those dodgy adverts from before there were trading standards and people could say anything to sell a product!!)

I have now been and collected my equally grumpy daughter from playgroup, she is currently sprawled across my lap sobbing and kicking her legs because I wont drop everything and take her to the shops to buy a jelly.....

From what a saw of my little boy he was pretty darn grumpy himself as he wailed up the road behind his Dad about the unfairness of having to go to school.

This hour change has a lot to answer for!!

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